Monday, September 18, 2006

Dave, our drummer with FWJ, sent me this pic of me leading worship about a month ago. He said, "Tell us all what you're thinking while you lead".
What do I think about?

Well, I think it's very appropriate that the cross is right behind me in the picture because I guess I see myself as a worship prompter more than anything. If people say, I really felt like I met with Jesus, I'm happy. All the work on getting the music together, on practicing with the band and on preparing on my own means nothing in comparison with people connecting with God. This does not mean that getting it sounding great doesn't matter to me. Au contraire! God has made me a musician and one who is moved deeply by music, and there's something incredible that happens in my own heart when the text is beautifully or dynamically painted with the music. I believe God gave us music as a gift, to experience him in a special way.

But it's interesting how even (or especially) when things go awry on a Sunday morning (or other times of corporate worship) how God, just because He wants to, works in people's hearts...despite us, despite me. This seemed to happen yesterday. A number of the band members felt down or attacked or just not with it. A number of things went wrong, and frankly, I thought the worship time would flop (I’m just being honest!). But, you know, I had more people letting me know that God really touched their hearts during the worship time yesterday than I’ve heard in a number of months. We prayed that God would make himself very real to people – is it any wonder that he did?

So, what do I think about when I lead worship? Well, first of all, I’m worshipping God and thinking about how the lyrics and music together are describing my creator. I’m thinking about Him! And second, I’m thinking about, or should I say ‘praying for’, all those who have joined me to worship God. I’m praying that people would meet Him in an incredibly real way.

In a nut shell, that’s what I think about.


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